Below are the 3 main sections of my guitar/music method
They are made to be viewed in the order they are listed.
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Playing & Playing Over Chords in a Key
My guide to understanding what a Key is, the chords that live in the key, how to write with/play over those chords, and all of the unique sounds that exist within. This will cover 80-90% of all music you have ever heard.
Start here if:
You are comfortable with finding notes on the neck, scales, intervals,
But are not comfortable with chords in a key, soloing over chord changes, how notes function over chords, how progressions are made, larger chord voicings, modes.
Building Chords
My guide to creating any chord you want from scratch. We will focus on inversions, small and large shapes that can be used as chords or as lead figures, and creating progressions with these shapes while featuring out-of-the-key transition chords.
Start here if:
You are comfortable with the fretboard, how keys work, all chord types, and the basics of playing over all chord types,
But are not comfortable with playing any chord anywhere/inversions/transition chords/chord melodies/out-of-key harmony.